              •••••••   Principal Component Analysis   •••••••             


2.5 µM CYP3A4 in 0.1M Hepes, pH 7.4

Parameters were set as follows:
Lower wavelength bound.:350
Upper wavelength bound.:700
Wavelength step:1.0
Max number of components: 3
File of standards:D:\SPLAB32MMX\STANDARDS\CYP3A4.ASC
Order of background correction polynomial: 3
Threshold of corr.coeff. to accept the fitting of standard: 0.920000
Thresh. of corr.coeff. to take the component into account:0.500000

 3 Principal components were found
  0.9992 of total SSD were covered
================== Fitting of standars by principal vectors ==================
¦Vect.¦   Std. 1   ¦   Std. 2   ¦   Std. 3   ¦          ¦
¦  #  ¦     LS     ¦     HS     ¦   'P420'   ¦Contrib.,%¦
¦     ¦Based on #13¦Based on # 2¦Based on # 9¦          ¦
¦ Base¦    0.364801¦    0.363476¦    0.361955¦          ¦
¦  1  ¦   -0.596154¦    0.676631¦   -0.589474¦  99.84   ¦
¦  2  ¦   -0.108204¦   -0.082791¦    0.136547¦   0.04   ¦
¦  3  ¦   -0.006289¦    0.017638¦   -0.002361¦   0.03   ¦
¦C.Cor¦    0.984758¦    0.928598¦    0.908583¦          ¦

===================== Fitting of principal vectors by standards ==============
¦Vect.¦Stand. 1¦Stand. 2¦Stand. 3¦        ¦        ¦             Polynomial            ¦
¦  #  ¦   LS   ¦   HS   ¦ 'P420' ¦ Total  ¦ C.Corr.¦ Offset ¦  A(1)  ¦  A(2)  ¦  A(3)  ¦
¦ Base¦  1.7568¦  0.7875¦  0.1669¦  2.7113¦  0.9988¦ -0.0005¦  0.0000¦ -0.0000¦  0.0000¦
¦  1  ¦ -0.9721¦  1.0083¦ -0.0279¦  0.0083¦  0.9970¦  0.0003¦  0.0000¦ -0.0000¦  0.0000¦
¦  2  ¦ -1.0000¦  0.2390¦  0.6483¦ -0.1127¦  0.2847¦ -0.0021¦  0.0001¦ -0.0000¦  0.0000¦
¦  3  ¦ -1.0000¦  0.4501¦  0.6098¦  0.0598¦  0.3198¦ -0.0056¦ -0.0008¦  0.0000¦ -0.0000¦

Number of significant components: 1
The following components are significant:
                    ¦ No. ¦Fr. of molar¦Correlation ¦
                    ¦     ¦ changes, % ¦coefficient ¦
                    ¦   1 ¦ 100.000000 ¦   0.996978 ¦